Saturday, November 28, 2009

Speeding Ticket For A Reason

speeding ticket, wreck, excessive speed

Every one has been driving, mostly along interstates, and the traffic almost crawls to a stop. This post will stray away from beating a speeding ticket. This will be a more serious aspect of the why speeding really is enforced so strictly. Like I have said many times, a speeding ticket is much better than death or a serious accident. A car averages three-thousand pounds and roughly travels and average of fifty-five miles an hour. That alone is very heavy machinery and police strictly enforces violations with a speeding ticket and other such means.

In 2004 there was a reported number of six million two hundred thousand wrecks and even more with the unknown of unreported accidents. And statistically, almost a third are of accidents resulting in death are speed related. That is a number police nationwide are trying to reduce by heavily enforcing speeding and increasing the speeding ticket they write. Believe it or not, it takes a fully aware brain to safely manoeuvre an vehicle and it is a work out for your grey matter. The increased speed relates to reduced reaction times and slower corrective action. See why a speeding ticket is a big reminder to slow down? And with basic physics, the increased speed greatly adds to the energy that will be released if in a wreck. That's why law enforcement increases speeding ticket and other methods to catch speeders. The cost to clean up major wrecks are a toll on local economy especially if there are frequent accidents. Not only is there medical and the vehicles themselves but property damage and the like. So to turn a profit why not issue a speeding ticket and prevent an accident at the same time. Win-win!

Running around the local autocross tracks have taught me many aspects of the behaviour of the car at speed. These local tracks are where many people can go to get more comfortable with their cars and these are legal, this is one way on how beat a speeding ticket; it's sort of cheating because you can't get one. A buddy of mine had me navigate with him on a open road racing tournament. Now that is a sport that is demanding as your driving on an actual road way, albeit closed, and you can get a speeding ticket. If you track and send in a sandbagging time and run so much over you will have to pay a speeding ticket of what you were running verses the actual limit. A one hundred mile an hour over speeding ticket is not good at all. That would probably have you doing jail time or at least having your license suspended. What I'm trying to say is that speeding is dangerous, hell, even driving is potentially a dangerous situation. Officers issue a speeding ticket to keep things in check.

Yes, the whole ordeal that follows the process of a speeding ticket is strenuous, unforgiving, and painfully slow. But it is for the better of every single person on roadways and for pedestrians. With out these laws driving would be like walking into outlaw county. Like I've said, mind yourselves on the open road and be courteous. Be respectable to other drivers and avoid dangerous drivers. Karma will catch up to them eventually. I never wish bad fate to other people, but all I'm saying is just that some people deserve worse than a speeding ticket. People that ride dangerously close on your heel, cut out in front of people, and act like that they are so important and should get special treatment. Also, in that group are people who knowingly get behind of a wheel when they are under the influence. It's a good thing that they spend time in jail and have big consequences, but many go under the radar.

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